SR Security And Detectives also serves Patent Trademark & Copyright Infringement related services. Patent is given by the government to the inventor who invented something and the inventor has a right to stop others from selling, using and making the invention without permission for a limited period of time. A trademark can be anything like word, design, logo, phrase, symbol etc which identifies someone's product, services and brand. A trademark is your identity in the market. No one has the right to copy your trademark without your permission. In market lots of products available out there if you are an manufacturer and making many unique products and selling them in market but you have a doubt on someone making duplicate copy of your products and selling them in market and earning money you only have to do is contact us and we will investigate and let you know if there is something wrong or it's just your misconception but if your doubt is correct then you can take legal action against culprit but it is only possible when you already have trademark or patent your products or brand. #trademark #patent #copyright #copyrightinfringement #legalservices #srsecurity&detectives #SRdetectives #blog #blogger #detectiveagency #detectiveagent